Our vision is to provide a progressive, topic-based curriculum which develops the whole child through an immersive, child-led journey, where pupils learn through memorable experiences in a range of different environments, helping to prepare them for an exciting future, full of possibilities.
At Redwell we consider our curriculum to be part of a child's life long journey in education. We acknowledge and build upon learning which has taken place before the children enter our school and lay the foundations to enable all of our children to make the best possible use of the opportunities offered.
Our curriculum is taught through the immersive approach in which the skills from the National Curriculum are taught through immersing the children within a topic; this in turn ensures the children have a deeper understanding of the knowledge taught and inspires them to continue learning beyond school. The classrooms are decorated to represent the topic being taught and our immersive multisensory classroom will transport the children to their chosen theme whether that be Ancient Egypt, outer space or to the depths of the Amazon Rainforest.
We believe that success in reading is achieved through partnership between home and school. We offer a huge variety of books for your children to read. Reading and Phonics are taught through Read Write Inc. and Reciprocal Reading approaches. Both are taught daily and embed the skills of reading, in which the adults model to the children using the various methods.
For writing, we use the Storytelling method; our storytelling texts are at the heart of our curriculum and support the immersive learning approach. With reading and storytelling comes a wealth of vocabulary and by the time a child has completed their learning journey with us, they will have a ready-made high quality word bank at their disposal. In addition, they will have been exposed to over forty different stories and non-fiction texts. We believe that by following the Storytelling method, we are not only developing their literacy and grammar skills; we are developing storytellers, authors and readers for life and ensuring the children’s confidence will flourish.
Mathematics at Redwell is taught using the mastery approach. We aim to develop a positive attitude and enjoyment of the learning towards Maths and the ability to solve problems through decision making, and reasoning in a range of contexts. We believe that Mathematics should provide a rich variety of learning experiences relating to everyday life.