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History Curriculum


Through the study of History, pupils gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world. History helps pupils to understand the complexity of people’s lives and the process and impact of change. 

We aim for our learners to:  

  • gain an excellent knowledge and understanding of people and events from a range of historical periods and to develop a range of skills required to be effective historians.
  • know and understand the history of Britain and how it has been influenced by the wider world;
  • gain a strong knowledge about their Northamptonshire History, particularly in our local area;
  • develop a sense of their own identity within our social, political, cultural and economic background;
  • develop the ability to think critically about history and communicate their ideas in styles appropriate to a range of audiences;
  • consistently support, evaluate and challenge their own and others’ views using appropriate and accurate historical evidence;
  • develop the ability to think critically, reflect, debate, discuss, question and evaluate the past;
  • make effective links between history and other subjects, developing their schemas and making learning increasingly relevant and connected (taking in new information, connecting it to other things we know, believe, or have experienced.)


  • History is taught so the children are constantly building on their previous learning so their knowledge and skills build progressively, deepening as they move throughout their year group and through the school.
  • These lessons are personalised and relevant to the needs of the learners through the use of our topic maps on which we gather the children’s curiosities about an upcoming topic.
  • Teachers are able to seek advice and guidance from Year Group and Subject Leaders.
  • Each year group has at least two half terms where history is the driver subject for their year group topic. History links are also made within topics which lend themselves to the subject, but are not necessarily driven by it. Eg.  Within a geography topic about mountains, there will be history links made to famous mountaineers from the past.
  • History is mapped in accordance with the National Curriculum requirements, to ensure sufficient breadth of study. 

The skills for the subject are broken up into the following headings:

Chronological Understanding 

The children learn how to chart the passing of time and understand how some aspects of history studied were happening at similar times in different places. Over their school journey, they are able to build an overview of British and aspects of world history.

Historical interpretation

This concept involves learning that our understanding of the past comes from an interpretation of the available evidence. The children learn to evaluate sources of evidence and to develop their critical thinking skills.

Historical enquiry

Observing artefacts, images and historical accounts, the children learn to be curious about the past through the encouragement to ask questions and initiate discussion. As they move up the school, the children use this enquiry skills to focus their own research.

Organisation and communication

This concept involves using historical vocabulary and techniques to convey information about the past. They children are encouraged to use a range of mediums to present, communicate and organise ideas about the past including drama, art and design.


At Redwell Primary School, the impact for the learners in history will be that pupil voice evidences confident learners who are able to talk about what they have learnt in history using subject specific vocabulary. They are able to investigate and interpret the past, understand chronology and build an overview of local, British and aspects of world history. They are able to think critically about the subject and recall their learning over time.

Pupil voice also demonstrates that pupils are enthusiastic about history and understand how it helps them make sense of the past and the impact it has on future events.  Pupils' work demonstrates that history is taught at an age appropriate standard across each year group, with opportunities planned in for pupils showing a swift understanding or working at greater depth. Work is of high quality and demonstrates pupils are acquiring knowledge, skills and vocabulary in an appropriate sequence and with an understanding of the interdisciplinary links. 

How are the British Values developed in History?

At Redwell, we ensure that British Values including democracy, rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect is embedded within the History curriculum. Pupils explore issues such as democracy in a historical context and related them to the modern day through studying periods such as Mayans and Ancient Greece. This enables students to understand how, over time democracy has evolved and evaluate the impact upon societies through the ages.

Building upon this, opportunity is given for children to explore rule of law and individual liberty in days gone by looking at historical sources, children will balance past events through the lenses of people’s individual liberties against the balance of the greater good.

Mutual respect is taught and given when children are expressing their opinions and beliefs through different historical time periods. Children are taught and encouraged to show respect to each other’s beliefs, feelings and opinions by giving each child a forum to share these on with the expectation that these must be listened to.

When discussing what it means to be British and how this is demonstrated in different historical time periods, children can celebrate our heritage whilst embracing the ties which bind us together.

Progression Maps

General Enquiries

For general enquiries, please contact the school office at

SENCo: Fiona Hoskins

Assistant Principal: Sara Nimmo

Vice Principal: Dulcie Sharpe

Principal: Claire Head

Chair of Local Committee: Amy Patterson

Our Address

Redwell Primary School,
Barnwell Road,
Northamptonshire NN8 5LQ